June Message

Post date: May 29, 2015 8:03:39 PM


As I sit to write this article in mid-May for the June Temple Topics, I see several important issues to make you aware of. The first is our ongoing process of trying to balance our budget for the long-term stability of McKinley Lodge. You’ve seen some about this in previous months, and I want to report that the process got off to a good start with a brainstorming session a few weeks ago. Our next step is to whittle the ideas generated down to a small list of projects that will start us moving in the right direction. If you’d like to be part of the process, and I hope you all do, then please plan to attend our next meeting on Thursday, June 11th at 7:00 pm at the Lodge. We’ll be deciding what positive steps we can take over the next few months to move forward.

The second issue is the physical state of our aging building. You’ve heard over the last year about some roofing issues, and I’m sad to report that there’s more to deal with on that front. During the full roof inspection conducted recently we’ve found a section of roofing the needs repair. Also, we’ve discovered that we need significant work on our HVAC units to get them up and running. To this end, the Trustees have been working diligently to solicit bids for all the work that needs to be done. We are expecting some or all of it to exceed $5,000, so expect a there to be a need for a lodge vote on spending money for these necessary repairs. This should happen at our first stated meeting in June, Thursday, June 4th at 7:30 pm.

Now, on to more uplifting news. As we approach summer, we also have our Annual Communication (AC) - Grand Lodge to most of us - to look forward to. Your three principal officers will be attending the AC and representing McKinley Lodge as voting members. So that we can most accurately represent the opinions of the lodge, I urge you to attend our meeting on Thursday, June 4th to hear the resolutions we’ll be voting on and to make your opinions known to us. We’ll carry that information with us to the AC and vote accordingly. However, remember you are all welcome and encouraged to attend the AC. Just because you’re not a principal officer doesn’t mean you’re not welcome - in fact you are. Any Master Mason can attend any part the AC, and some parts are open to family and friends. Please get in touch with me if you need details on schedules for the weekend or have any other questions. If you plan to attend remember to bring your current dues card and an apron. I encourage you all to attend and see how the Grand Lodge conducts our business, it’s a great experience.

For McKinley Lodge in particular, June means Table Lodge. I hope you plan to attend our version of the Ceremony of the Seven Toasts, it’s always a great time with terrific food and warm fellowship. This year our newly elected Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master Donald Hensiak will be our featured speaker. His topic will be “Turning Challenges Into Opportunities.” This evening is open to all Masons, from EA on up, and is one of the highlights of our year. W.B. Ken Gorgen will again be heading up the kitchen crew that’s preparing the German style dinner we’ve come to love. Tickets are available from any lodge officer for $25. The evening kicks off at 5:30 pm on Friday, June 19th with appetizers and homemade beers. This year we’ll have a Belgian Dark Strong Ale and a Honey Wit for your enjoyment. Please plan to come and enjoy the evening with us.

Lastly, a reminder about summer meetings this year. Instead of going completely dark during the summer as we have in the recent past, I’m going to plan something for the third Thursdays in July and August. If there’s business to attend to, this will give us the opportunity to do it in a timelyfashion with a short meeting and then fun and fellowship afterward. If we have degrees to do, we’ll be able to do them during the summer and not have to put the candidate off until fall. If there really isn’t much business to attend to, we’ll just have a nice evening of fellowship together and play some board or card games and visit. Please put the third Thursdays on your calendar for this summer.

I hope to see all of you at one or more of our upcoming events. Remember also to get out and visit the other lodges nearby and to support our youth groups in all of their endeavors; they are our future after all.


Chris Goodwin

Worshipful Master