October Message - 2014

Post date: Oct 17, 2014 8:34:42 PM

Master’s Message for October


I would like to take an opportunity to thank all of you who have responded

to two specific mailings that went out earlier in the year. First, was a survey

that was mailed to all of the Master Masons of McKinley Lodge who had

not already responded by phone or email. The purpose of this survey was


First, it was intended to provide our members with an opportunity to update

our Secretary to any changes in their contact information.

Second, it was designed as a means of creating more customized call-down

lists for our Officers. If you’re not interested in hearing about upcoming social

events, we want to make sure that we’re not bothering you with calls about

them. Vice versa, if you’d like to hear about deaths & funerals, we want to

make sure that you’re being notified when a Brother passes.

Lastly, we set out at the beginning of this year to create a membership

directory. My goal with this is to provide our membership with a better

means of getting to know one another. Sure, you know that my name is

Ryan Mayrand and that I’m Worshipful Master this year, but did you know

that I’m 37 years old (turning 38 next month)? Did you know that I work in

marketing for a manufacturer in Germantown? Did you know that my wife’s

name is Erin? I know that there’s so much more to each of you than a name

and phone number on a roster...and the Masonic experience is so much more

enriching when we form fraternal bonds through getting to know more about

one another. That’s the spirit of Brotherhood that I want to foster....

A quick update on the Membership Directory: I’ve transcribed the answers

of everyone who has responded thus far (no easy task!) and have started

formatting how the pages will be laid out. My goal is to have this formatted

and printed by the end of the the Masonic year so that we can mail out a copy

to each of you.

The other major mailing that went out was the Centennial Year Master’s

Appeal. I want to sincerely thank all of you who have contributed to the

Lodge so far this year and let everyone know that there’s still time...and

a tremendous need. As I’ve mentioned in previous Temple Topics articles,

we really wanted this year to be special. The McKinley Lodge Centennial

happens just once...and none of us will likely still be around when the Lodge

reaches the 200 year milestone...so it truly is a once in a lifetime event. Your

McKinley Lodge Officers and Committee Members have labored this year to

remain as fiscally responsible as possible. Your generous donations have

helped us to defer the costs of special programs as well as some much-needed

repairs to the building (most notably to the roof). At the close of the Masonic

Year, we will be creating a plaque to hang on the wall - commemorating our

Centennial and giving recognition to all of those who have donated to the

Centennial Year Master’s Appeal. We created three different giving levels:

Cornerstone Level ($500 or more)

Trowel Level ($250 or more)

Square and Compasses Level ($100 or more)

Brethren, it is not too late to make your donation to the Lodge and be

recognized. I would ask that you prayerfully consider a donation to help

McKinley Lodge make these much-needed repairs.

In closing Brethren, I appreciate all of you who have taken time to send in

survey letters and donations. These are two big initiatives aimed at improving

the Lodge this year, and their success depends upon your participation. If you

haven’t yet sent them in, there’s still time!

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Ryan Mayrand, P.: M.:

Senior Warden’s Message for October


A couple of months ago, I wrote about the Masonic tenet of Brotherly Love,

using the words of Bro. Chad Kopenski, P.:M.:, as a starting point. This month

I’d like to pick that back up with Bro. Kopenski’s thoughts on the second

Masonic Tenet, Relief. He writes:

Masons believe it is our duty to relieve the suffering of others whenever

possible. As everyone travels on the path of their life, they encounter rocks

in the way and Masons believe that we should help remove those rocks

whenever we can. Sometimes that happens because we are asked, but often

that happens because we see the rock in your path before you do and we take

care of it. Masons don’t take curtain calls for this type of work, because we

believe that this type of thing isn’t headline news, it is what you’re supposed

to do. If you can help make someone’s path easier, why wouldn’t you do it?

As brief aside, I love the metaphor he uses with the rocks in the path. It

reminds me of my childhood summers. My family spent our summers sailing

up and down the coast of Maine, and most days we went ashore to walk

on paths through the woods or on the rocky shoreline. It’s easy to see the

troubles of life as the rocky ledges my brother and I had to navigate, or as

the little outcroppings of granite that would trip you up on the forest paths.

Anyway, on to my main point...

While Masonry, as a fraternity, is not primarily a charity, Charity, or

Relief, is of primary importance to us. From our introduction to Masonry

in the Entered Apprentice degree we are taught that Relief is not only one

of our tenets, but that it’s just “what we should do.” You see it played out

in countless ways. At the Grand Lodge level we have designated charities

we donate to, including the Masonic Service and Assistance Board, the

scholarship matching funds, the American Heart Association, the Masonic

Medical Research Laboratory, and Hiram’s Helpers. At the local lodge level,

relief of others plays out with food pantry donations, scholarships, Angel

Funds, AED donation programs, blood drives, and more. And personally,

Masons donate their time, talents, and money to all of the above and so

much more - helping the widow with household projects, donating their time

to youth groups of all kinds, serving in the community. It’s one of the main

things we do. So ask yourself, “Whose path have I made easier lately?”


Chris Goodwin

Senior Warden