November Message - 2013

Post date: Dec 2, 2013 12:47:34 AM

Greeting Brothers and friends,

I am sad to report that Arleen Haas passed away. Please keep Don Haas, PM. and her family in your prayers.

Worshipful Brothers Kevin and Brian Breitzmann have commissioned a local artist to create a kneeler and candelabra in memory of their father Rick Breitzmann, PM.

The past masters performed a degree on our newest Master Mason, Zach Fleischmann. Please welcome Zach to the sideline on your next meeting in Lodge. I would like to thank all of those that participated in the degree. I realize all the hard work and dedication that it takes to put a degree together.

I want to thank everyone that helped with Fish Fry. It is great to see the lodge come together for this great event.

Ladies at the Table is the first Saturday in November. We are going to need help in the Kitchen as well as setting up the dining room Saturday Morning. If you can assist in the kitchen, please contact Ken Gorgen. PM.

Elections will be held at our first stated Meeting, November 7th. The Ladies of McKinley will be making dinner. Please plan on attending and elect the new officers for the year.

The Temple Topics needs a volunteer starting in January to label, seal and deliver to the Milwaukee Post Office. Contact Todd or Connie Jaremko for more information on how you can help the lodge continue to communicate with the nearly 400 temple topic addresses.

Dinner with Santa is December 5th. We are asking for the names and ages of the children coming to dinner. Santa will be providing a gift to children 12 and under.

Please send them to either Todd or Connie Jaremko.




2 SAT Ladies at the table

7 THU Dinner, 1st Stated Election NIght

21 THU 2nd Stated

30 SAT Decorate tree 10:00 am


5 THU Dinner with Santa,


4 SAT Installation